is a big part of boosting your metabolism and burning calories.
you’re born with one of those unusually active metabolisms, which
allows you to eat thousands of calories a day without gaining weight,
you’re like the vast majority of us who need to give our
metabolisms a bit of a kick.
(aerobic) exercise is an important part of boosting your metabolism.
Increasing your heart rate, blood circulation, body temperature, and
oxygen intake/carbon dioxide exchange, all send messages to your
metabolic system to initiate catabolism (breaking down cells and
using them for energy).
people, especially women, are very leery about an exercise regimen
that can lead to muscle building. There is a perception that muscle
building leads to muscle bulking, and before long, they'll
look like a body builder.
that women aren’t supplementing their workouts with specific
muscle-building supplements, there is no need to be concerned,
because building lean muscle won’t make them bulk up.
But why
worry about building muscle in the first place?
a pound of muscle burns more calories than a pound of fat. So the
more muscle you have, the more calories you'll burn. You don’t even
have to do anything. You’ll simply burn more calories, because
muscle requires more of an energy investment.
But if
you build muscle and then leave it without exercise, over time, the
muscle fibers weaken and you’ll lose that wonderful calorie-burning
The basic weight loss principle behind exercise is catabolism.
if you can engineer your body to require more energy, your body will
comply by breaking cells down to deliver it. And the process of
metabolism burns calories.
So based
on that logic, interval training fits in with the overall plan.
Interval training is simply adding a high-energy burning component to
your exercise plan on an infrequent, or interval, basis.
example, if you can jog for 20 minutes every other day, you're
boosting your metabolism and burning calories/energy. But you can
actually burn disproportionately more calories if, during that 20
minute jog, you add a 30 second or 1 minute sprint.
Because during this 30 seconds or 1 minute, you give your body a bit
of a jolt.
Not an
unhealthy jolt, but enough that your body has to turn things up a
notch. And to compensate for your extra energy requirements, the body
will burn more calories.
training only works when it’s at intervals. The
metabolism-boosting benefits you enjoy as a result of interval
training are primarily due to the fact that your body suddenly, needs
to find more energy.
While it
was chugging along and supplying your energy needs during your
cardiovascular exercise, it all of a sudden needs to grab some more
for 30 seconds or a minute; and in that period, it will boost your
metabolism even further.
If you
decided to extend your 30 second or 1 minute sprint into a 20 minute
sprint, you simply wouldn’t experience all of the benefits.
your body would use more energy if you extend yourself to the higher
range of your aerobic training zone. But your body won’t
necessarily get that jolt that only comes from interval training.
remember: your goal with interval training is to give your body a
healthy jolt where it suddenly says to itself:
“Whoa! We need more energy here
fast, this person has increased their heart rate from 180 beats per
minute to 190 beats per minute. Let’s go to any available cell,
like those fat cells down at the waist, and break them down via
catabolism so this person can get the energy that they need.”
training can last longer than 30 seconds or a minute. Some experts
suggest that you can use interval training for 30-40 minutes,
depending on your state of health and what your overall exercise
regimen looks like.
reason we’re focusing on 30 seconds to 1 minute is simply to give
you a clear understanding that interval training is a kind of mini
training within a training program.
And, as
always, don’t overdo it with your interval training. Your goal
here is to become healthier and stronger, and lose weight in that
You gain
nothing if you run so fast or bike so hard during interval training
that you hurt yourself. You will actually undermine your own health,
and possibly have to stop exercising while torn muscles or other
ailments heal.
are a few easy ways to add variety to your exercise program. In
addition to interval training, you can break up a longer routine into
smaller parts.
example, instead of committing to 1x1 hour workout a day, it can be
split into 2x30 minute workouts; or even, 3x20 minute workouts.
You can
also work in additional exercise into your daily routine by doing
things like taking the stairs instead of the elevator. Or starting
your day with a brisk walk instead of a coffee and the newspaper.
Instead of parking close to the entrance of a building, park as far
away as possible and walk.
All of
these tips provide two metabolism-boosting benefits.
they can make exercising more fun. While it’s important to have an
exercise routine, you don’t want to have a boring exercise routine,
because then your chances of stopping are that much greater.
adding these new elements to your overall exercise commitment simply
helps encourage you to stick with the program. And since exercising
is a core part of boosting your metabolism, any technique or tip that
helps you continue exercising over the long term is a wise piece of
second important benefit of variety in your exercise program leads us
back to the interval training concept, discussed above.
When you
add variety to your workout, your body cannot get into a groove.
Remember, the body is a remarkable piece of work, and will always
strive to do things efficiently.
the overall state of your health, which can be influenced by genetics
and other factors outside of your control, will play a role in how
efficiently your body runs.
regardless of how your body is put together, it wants to do things as
efficiently as it possibly can. So when you start exercising, your
body develops an expectation of energy output. It’s not doing this
to be lazy, it’s doing this because it's efficient. If your body
starts to predict that you need a certain amount of energy to
complete a 20 minute jog, but then you jog for 2 minutes, followed by
5 minutes of walking, 2 minutes of jogging and 1 minute of sprinting,
your body may require a great deal more energy to help you achieve
As a
result, you may find yourself very out of breath or tired as your
body strives to meet this increased demand. Naturally, catabolism
will be involved and your body metabolism will increase.
But over
time, maybe a month or so, your body will simply become more
efficient. It will become stronger, and will be able to supply your
energy needs much more efficiently. Your health has improved and your
body has to work less to provide you with your energy needs.
this can actually obscure your metabolism-boosting efforts, because
you want your body to start the catabolism process, but if your body
is efficiently working, it won’t dig into its reserves (e.g. fat
cells) in order to provide you with the energy you need.
So the
trick is to keep variety in your workouts. Many people choose to
cross-train. It targets different muscle groups, but it keeps your
body from finding a groove whereby it tried to help you by slowing
down your metabolism.
your body doesn’t read books like this. It doesn’t need to, and
it doesn’t care. It has no clue that a speedier metabolism is
“good” or “bad”.
work, family, hobbies, and other commitments often means that our
lifestyle isn’t so much a choice, as it is a necessity, but we can
do little things that help speed up our metabolism.
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