What You Should Know About
Pregnancy Nutrition
having a baby may seem like it should be simple, it is
actually not as simple as we
think. According to research, your chances of conception are linked to complex
circumstances, and research is showing that nutrition plays a bigger role than
we may have realized.
Recently researchers found a link
between nutrition and pregnancy. As nutrition gets better, the likelihood of
pregnancy also increases. If you want to increase the likelihood of becoming
pregnant you should make sure, you are eating the healthiest diet possible and
if you want to improve your baby’s health, the same applies.
Smart With Your Carbs
Studies show that eating a diet that focuses on bad carbs
increases your likelihood of developing Type 2 diabetes,
disease and stroke. If you are trying to get pregnant a
diet high
in bad carbs.
But if you are trying to get
pregnant, you should know that eating a diet high in simple carbs could cause
your blood sugar and insulin production to rise too high, especially if your
metabolism type is insulin resistant. This can cause your ovulation to be
thrown off, making it more difficult for you to become pregnant.
Smart Eat Good Fats
Studies have conclusively shown that eating trans fats affect
ability to conceive. Of course, that doesn’t mean you
should cut
out all fat. Healthy fats, such as olive oil, coconut
oil, or
organic butter should be included in your diet as they
important to your overall health and certainly important
to your
pregnancy nutrition. Raw nuts, nut butters, and avocados
are also
sources of healthy fats. These healthy fats will make you
full and stay feeling that way between your meals. This
prevent you from overeating.
Ice Cream and Milk
Many mothers-to-be are surprised to learn that they
should avoid
dairy during pregnancy. Studies show that skim milk and
low fat
can impair ovulation. Not all doctors agree that you
should avoid
dairy products during pregnancy so be sure to discuss
this with
your doctor.
Processed Foods
The only good thing about processed foods are its quick
and cheap,
and it’s actually not as cheap as you might think.
Processed food
is packed full of preservatives that are unhealthy and
can even
put your baby at risk. They are also filled with calories
that can
lead to obesity.
It’s common to want to eat the
best possible diet during pregnancy for the health of you and your baby.
Incorporating these ideas
into your daily eating will help
you to stay healthier for you and your baby.
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